Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dancing with the King

I wrote this post over a year ago, but I really wanted to share it with you again.  Today is my birthday...Happy Birthday to me!!!  (I love to tell people it is my birthday, I know there may be a bit of narcissism in that, I'm not sure)  ;  )  But, I wanted to give you a gift on my birthday.  This gift is a visual gift, a gift that hopefully you can hold dear to your heart and enjoy with your King. 

I hope you enjoy with post originally entitled "May I have this dance?":

"You have turned my mourning into dancing..."  Ps. 30:11

My mourning into dancing....there was a period in my life of deep grief,  a deep wound that I felt would never heal.  This was a self-inflicted wound, which was infected with unworthiness, shame, and guilt.  It wasn't a physical pain, but a deep emotional pain....a sadness/emptiness only Jesus could heal.   That is why this story is even more amazing to'll see as it unfolds. 

Picture yourself wearing a white flowing dress.....

"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."  Is 1:18

It doesn't matter what you have done.  I felt like my sins were branded on me like the letter "A" in The Scarlet Letter.  I felt that everyone could see I was unworthy to be a "Christian".  Newsflash....none of us were worthy of the price He paid for us....that is why it is "by grace we have been saved"  (Ephesians 2:8).  No one is good enough, all have sinned (Rom 3:23).  The good news is....though our sins were like scarlet, He has washed them away and we are now "white as snow"!  That is the reason for the white dress.  

This is important...are you picturing yourself in a beautiful white flowing dress? 

Now, picture in your mind for a moment Jesus in front of you.  Only He isn't wearing the white cloths we are so accustomed to seeing Him in, picture Jesus in a.....tuxedo. : )

He then takes your hand to ask you to dance.  He holds you in His arms, He dips you, He twirls you around and around.....

This my friends, is what I picture every time I listen to the song playing right now.  Amazing Love is "Our song".  Sometimes during other worship songs, I will also picture dancing with my King.  It is a sweet moment with the Lord and I wanted to share it with you so you too might have this kind of sweet moment with Him.  If you have another kind of sweet moment with the Lord,  please share! 

He has turned our mourning into dancing and made us white as snow!  The King is asking you to dance, dear one. 

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