I hope you had a chance to go to Emily Freeman's blog yesterday to join in her discussion of Grace for the Good Girl. You can also click on the button on the side bar to go to her blog. I didn't blog about it yesterday, but I am now. I may be a little late, but, it is a book about grace, isn't it?
Anywho...there is a part in Chapter Two that I really wanted to share with you. (Sorry about all the rhyming in that sentence.)
It is about the "Good Mom".
"Good Mom makes breakfast and smiles a lot. Good Mom always remembers to notice, compliment, and encourage. She is fun and funny...Her patience is limitless and she never raises her voice. She wakes up early every morning to spend time with Jesus. She is consistent and kind. She makes cookies from scratch. She plays outside even when its really hot. She builds forts with blankets in the living room. Her house is always clean and her produce is always fresh, and she has a garden with flowers and vegetables. She can sing. She makes puppets out of socks. Her kids never watch TV because they are totally satisfied to listen to the riveting, captivating stories that their Good Mom makes up. Every night."
Is anyone else exhausted with all that the "Good Mom" has to live up to?
Emily adds:
"And then there is me. I haven't worn matching socks in three years. I pulled out nine individual socks from my drawer the other day. Nine. All different. My kids fight. A lot. They call each other the biggest insult in their kindergarten arsenal: baby. And they all hate to be called babies...And it drives me crazy. I have had the same butter knife in my dishwasher for two weeks. Some unidentifiable food is stuck to one side. It's just too much to wash it by hand. And? My car has ants."(pg. 31)
Can anyone relate to Emily? I know I can:
My kids eat cereal pretty much every day for breakfast. I like to sleep in. I spend time with the Lord, but some days it is just a brief moment in the car. I do not want to have a vegetable garden. I do not like to garden and my thumb is no shade of green. I don't want to make my own bread, I like buying it at the store. I value convenience over saving. I don't clip coupons or use them when I grocery shop unless Chris gives me one to use. Even then, it is toss up on if I will remember to use it. I forget to stock the fridge when drinks run low. I don't know how to properly load a dishwasher or iron. And I have a basket of clean clothes that I need to put away that has been sitting there two days.
There it is. I cannot live up to the "Good Mom". And I will not let her shame me.
To be honest the "good girl" in me isn't sure I want you to know all the above about me. I want you to think I have it all together and do everything perfectly. I don't.
O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You know my sitting down and my rising up;
You understand my thought afar off.
You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.
You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is high, I cannot attain it.....
How precious are your thoughts towards me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
Psalms 139:1-6, 17
You have a Savior who knows all your faults and loves you unconditionally. If I ask Him, He will help me learn to load the dishwasher and clip coupons, but He doesn't require it. He loves me. Period.
He loves you.
How about you? Do you ever feel like there are impossible expectations placed on you? Is there a perfect image of a mom, wife, or Christian that you measure yourself against? Do you ever feel like you can't measure up no matter how hard you try?
I would love to hear your thoughts or comments on this. PLEASE COMMENT!!!! Yes, I am begging you to comment! ; ) Comments are great, really they are!! Don't be afraid, this is a place of grace.
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