Friday, December 9, 2011


And the winning of the So Long Insecurity Journal and Promise book is................Alicia A.! 

Congratulations Alicia!!!  I will get the book to you.  : ) 

For a short post today, the word "BELIEVE" has been on my heart this morning.

This time of year, with the Christmas season, we see the word "Believe" often.  

We recently re-watched the movie, "The Polar Express".  Great movie, so magical.  There is a significant line in the movie that says:

"Sometimes the most real things in life are the things we can't see."

He may have been referring to Santa Clause, since the movie was about the North Pole and seeing Santa.  However, he is very right. 

Growing up, I heard the phrase, "I'll believe it when I see it."  It wasn't until I was older that I learned the opposite is actually true.

"Believe and then you will see it."

It takes faith to believe in Jesus Christ. 

Thomas doubted that Jesus was alive until he saw Him and felt Him. Jesus said.....

Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed.  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.  John 20:29


I encourage you today to believe like a child with wide-eyed wonder.  You will see Jesus when you do. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so excited to go through the book again with the journal! Thanks Sue!


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