As heirs according to the promise of God, we have been given confidence through Jesus Christ (Gal 3:29).
The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs--heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Romans 8:16-17
The world defines "confidence" as "having self-reliance" (Merriam-Webster).
The Biblical view of "confidence" is not about self, it is about having confidence in the Creator of self.
As heirs in Christ, God desires that we lack nothing, including confidence (1Thess 4:12).
By awesome deeds in righteousness You will answer us, O God of our salvation, You who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth. Psalms 65:5
As we cry out to God for a confident heart, He will answer us.
The word "confidence" above comes from the Hebrew word mibtach and means: Trust. Object of confidence. State of Confidence. Security.
Jesus is our object of confidence. Jesus is our security.
He is the confidence of all the earth! He is our confidence! He is your confidence!
This week with will be studying:
Chapter 1: Discovering the Shadow of My Doubts and
Chapter 2: Because God's Love is Perfect, I Don't Have to Be
We will meet back here on Thursday for my commentary and discussion. There are about twenty ladies meeting on a private facebook page as well for discussion.
If you did not get on the private facebook page or are just joining us, I'm sorry to say the page is now closed but you are welcome to comment here.
You can buy the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or any Christian book store.
I am looking forward to all God will show us and do over the next six weeks as we find our confidence in Him and develop "A Confident Heart".
Dear Lord God, I am so thankful for all these ladies studying your Word. Thank you, Lord, that You alone are our confidence. Thank you, Lord, that because we are in Christ, we can have a confident heart. Help us to fully develop our confidence and security in You, and to be free from self-doubt. Speak to our hearts this week. We thank you that you are here with us as we study your Word. You are our confidence.
In Jesus' Holy and precious name. Amen.

Mmm. I pray the Lord will bless this SUE!