I will get the book to you Becky!!
One of "Those" Days
The other day was one of "those" days.
You know...the kind when several things go wrong all in a row and you are praying and doing all you can do to keep yourself together. Do you ever have one of those days? Maybe it is just me.
With only one hour, I was determined to get school supplies checked off my list. Surely one hour was enough time to shop for school supplies at Walmart. Yes, I know that may not have been the wisest decision. Did I mention I was shopping for school supplies for three children, all with different lists?
Thankfully, I only had one of the three children with me that day.
I am sure you can picture it...
Going in and out of aisles, searching for scissors, crayons, folders, dry erase markers, etc. Of course, it seems there are always items on the list that aren't considered actual "school supplies" and they are completely separate on the other side of the store. It seems there are always two or three items that refuse to be found.
I miraculously find all the items in the hour allocated and jet to the checkout. Time running short, but only one lady in front of me. No problem, I should be fine.
Wait! Pencils! I didn't get enough pencils. Placing the other items on the conveyor, I ask the cashier if I can run and get some more pencils. She graciously agreed. So Sarah and I jolt back to the school supplies. Got them! Back to the cashier.
She had just started ringing up the items. With all the items now in the cart, she tells me my total. I dig in my purse to find my wallet. No credit cards! Oh no! I had left my credit cards at home in the swim bag.
My heart starts pounding. Please, no! I look in my purse again.
Thoughts start to fill my mind, "An hour. All those school supplies. Do I have to reshop for all these supplies?!"
Ok, Lord. Please help me. If this is happening, it is probably a test. Sue, you must need this. Stay cool.
Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing. James 1:2-4
Can I tell you, that "joy" was not my first response when I realized I left my credit cards at home!
What can I do? Thankfully, I remembered that I did have my ATM card in my purse. There was an ATM machine in the Walmart. The cashier graciously waited while I hustled to the ATM.
I requested the desired amount. The words "I'm sorry we were not able to process your request", appeared on the screen. Again, my heart raced. I tried the card again. The words appeared again. I tried another time, (please let it work) and this time it processed. Sighing a sigh of relief, I snatched up the cash and went back to the cashier.
I paid for the school supplies. Sarah and I raced to the car. I was now running a little late due to the forgetting my wallet ordeal.
Next stop...church. : )
Isn't it interesting that many of these kinds of instances happen right before church.
I would like to tell you that when I got to church, everything was wonderful. No, I thought I had passed my test, but this test was not quite over....to be continued....

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