Friday, September 16, 2011

He Knows Your Name

One of the greatest compliments I have heard someone say about someone was said this past week.  My friend, Julia, wrote on her blog Fuel for the Marathon Called Life a compliment about a dear man of God who passed away last week.

She wrote  "It was just before this man's death that I thought to myself how much I'd love to get to know him better.  Though I did not have much interaction with him, he knew my name!  If I was around him and his family in church, I would make sure to greet him, just so that I could hear him say my name."

There is something powerful about someone knowing our name.  It signifies that we are valued, that we have significance, that someone cares about us enough to know us.  Our friend loved people and made them feel valued.  What a tremendous compliment! 

This trait is godly, it is Christ-like.

The God of the Universe knows you by name.  He values you, He loves you, He treasures you.  You are significant to Him, He cares about every detail in your life.  He knows us and longs for us to know Him more. 

You said, 'I know you by name and you have also found favor in My sight.'  Ex 33:12

And the Lord said to Moses, 'I will do this thing also that you have asked, for you have found favor, loving-kindness, and mercy in My sight and I know you personally and by name.  Ex 33:17(italics added)

This was not some special privilege that only Moses could claim.  The Lord knows YOU by name, the Lord speaks your name.  The Lord knows you personally.  You are valued, you are loved.  Value is determined by cost.  He paid a dear and precious price for you.  Christ went to the cross for YOU.

Knowing someone's name and calling them by name indicates that they matter to you.  When we forget someone's name, we know it can be awkward to ask them again.  Why?  Because we know it may offend them.  We know we should remember, that it is important to remember.

So, I ask myself, how am I doing in this area?  Do I know all the people in my life that I see frequently by name?  Do I call people by name?  You never know what a difference it will make.  Julia looked forward to seeing him because he knew her name.  He valued her as a child of God.

Our friend understood the gift of valuing people, of calling them by name.  What an extraordinary gift, what a legacy to leave, what a Christ-like example....He knew my name.

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