Friday, August 29, 2014

Process of Healing

"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."  Phillipians 1:6

A group of ladies gathered on the porch on a comfortable summer evening.  The weather might have been comfortable, but the hearts of those assembled were bumpy and torn.

Ears listened intently as each lady described her spiritual struggle--an inward battle of defeat verse victory-- clash of freedom versus chains.

These ladies were at the beginning stages of finding freedom and healing.  As each person shared, the Lord brought to my mind a memory.  On that porch, I was transported back to approximately ten years ago--a time of tears and toil.

In my memory, I was kneeling over my Bible, praying.  Tears streamed down my face, and my soul was drenched with the vastness of my brokenness.

The ladies on the porch were overwhelmed with their own brokenness, desperate to be healed, desperate to be healthy, desperate to be whole.

Friends, if you are overwhelmed today with where you are at spiritually, I want to encourage you...

The Lord is not overwhelmed with our mess and He is not in a hurry.  He has a plan and He is at work.  His plan is to complete the good work He has begun step by step, piece by piece knitting together His beautiful work of art. 

It would be wonderful if we could just wake up and be completely healed and free. Wow!  Wouldn't that be amazing!  Sometimes the Lord does heal immediately, but the more common way the Lord brings healing and freedom is through a process.  I say hallelujah to quick healing and amen!!  However, if that happened, we would miss out on the beauty of seeing God work and knowing Him more intimately.  It is through the process that we discover the Lord's provision and presence.

Ladies, to encourage you, I no longer feel overwhelmed.  The Lord is taking me on a journey.  No need to hurry on this path.  It is full of beauty.  Take one day at a time trusting in the Lord to finish the good work He began in you.  He will.  He is faithful.  Draw near to Him daily and you will be amazed at where He takes you!  

Ten years from now, you will wake up a different person than you are today and you will be amazed!  That my friends is freedom, walking daily with the Lord trusting Him. 


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